Cherub's Bouquet


Size: 5" x 5" x 1"
Medium: paint & paper on wooden shadow box

"Cherub's Bouquet" is a delightful shadow box that captures the whimsy of the heavens. A cherubic figure, plump and rosy-cheeked, frolics among the clouds, a bouquet of blush-toned flowers in hand. This piece seems to float within its wooden frame, an embodiment of innocence and the joyful abandonment of a celestial garden. It's a tribute to the sweetness of youth and the fleeting, airy moments that lift the spirits as surely as wings lift this angelic messenger.

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Size: 5" x 5" x 1"
Medium: paint & paper on wooden shadow box

"Cherub's Bouquet" is a delightful shadow box that captures the whimsy of the heavens. A cherubic figure, plump and rosy-cheeked, frolics among the clouds, a bouquet of blush-toned flowers in hand. This piece seems to float within its wooden frame, an embodiment of innocence and the joyful abandonment of a celestial garden. It's a tribute to the sweetness of youth and the fleeting, airy moments that lift the spirits as surely as wings lift this angelic messenger.

Size: 5" x 5" x 1"
Medium: paint & paper on wooden shadow box

"Cherub's Bouquet" is a delightful shadow box that captures the whimsy of the heavens. A cherubic figure, plump and rosy-cheeked, frolics among the clouds, a bouquet of blush-toned flowers in hand. This piece seems to float within its wooden frame, an embodiment of innocence and the joyful abandonment of a celestial garden. It's a tribute to the sweetness of youth and the fleeting, airy moments that lift the spirits as surely as wings lift this angelic messenger.